Results for 'Milan P. Marković'

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  1. La doctrine sociale de Duguit.Milan P. Marković - 1933 - Paris,: Éditions P. Bossuet.
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    Of Monsters & Lawyers.Milan Markovic - 2015 - Criminal Justice Ethics 34 (2):248-257.
    As a philosopher, legal ethicist, and expert in international criminal law, David Luban was uniquely positioned to challenge the morality and legality of the Bush administration's coercive interrog...
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    Response time modelling reveals evidence for multiple, distinct sources of moral decision caution.Milan Andrejević, Joshua P. White, Daniel Feuerriegel, Simon Laham & Stefan Bode - 2022 - Cognition 223 (C):105026.
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  4. Filosofii︠a︡, nauka, chelovek: problemy i perspektivy.L. P. Ermolaeva, M. Kūle & V. Markovs (eds.) - 1990 - Riga: Institut filosofii.
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  5. Metodologicheskie voprosy sovremennoĭ nauki v svete leninskikh ideĭ.I︠U︡. P. Vedin, N. A. Lit︠s︡is & V. Markovs (eds.) - 1981 - Riga: "Zinatne".
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  6. Variazioni temporali delle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche delle acque delle Valli di Comacchio.F. Dallocchio, F. Ghion, C. Milan & P. Viaroli - 1998 - Laguna 5 (98):4-15.
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    Therapeutic reasoning: from hiatus to hypothetical model.Sanjay W. Bissessur, Eric C. T. Geijteman, Muhammad Al-Dulaimy, Pim W. Teunissen, Milan C. Richir, Alf E. R. Arnold & Thep P. G. M. De Vries - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):985-989.
  8. Markov Learning Models for Multiperson Interactions.P. SUPPES - 1960
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    Confucian Liberalism: Mou Zongsan and Hegelian Liberalism by Roy Tseng. [REVIEW]Milan Matthiesen - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (3):1-7.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Confucian Liberalism: Mou Zongsan and Hegelian Liberalism by Roy TsengMilan Matthiesen (bio)Confucian Liberalism: Mou Zongsan and Hegelian Liberalism. By Roy Tseng. Albany: SUNY Press, 2023. Pp. 405. Hardcover $95.00, isbn 978-1-4384-9111-0.With Confucian Liberalism, Roy Tseng sets a new landmark in the contemporary discourse on Confucian political theory. His intricate account of the political philosophy of Mou Zongsan 牟宗三 (1909–1995) and other New Confucian philosophers, in conjunction with his (...)
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  10. Learning markov processes.Kevin P. Murphy - 2002 - In Lynn Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Macmillan.
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  11. Report on the CNR conference on millenarianism in contemporary culture held in Milan, November 2-4, 1998.P. Pozzi - 1998 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 53 (4):751-754.
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  12.  26
    A probabilistic extension of intuitionistic logic.Z. Ognjanovic & Z. Markovic - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (4):415.
    We introduce a probabilistic extension of propositional intuitionistic logic. The logic allows making statements such as P≥sα, with the intended meaning “the probability of truthfulness of α is at least s”. We describe the corresponding class of models, which are Kripke models with a naturally arising notion of probability, and give a sound and complete infinitary axiomatic system. We prove that the logic is decidable.
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    The Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany : Warren B. Morris, Jr. , viii + 392 pp. $25.95, P/B $12.95. [REVIEW]Milan Hauner - 1984 - History of European Ideas 5 (3):336-338.
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    Bioethics and medical humanities at the Scientific Institute Hospital San Raffaele of Milan.P. Cattorini & C. Scaglia - 1990 - Journal International de Bioethique= International Journal of Bioethics 1 (3):189.
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    L. Polverini: L'aspetto sociale del passaggio dalla Repubblica al Principato. Pp. 100. Milan: Gemelli, 1965. Paper.P. A. Brunt - 1967 - The Classical Review 17 (01):114-115.
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  16. Emilien LAMIRANDE, "Paulin de Milan et la "Vita Ambrosii"". [REVIEW]P. Poirier - 1985 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 41 (3):449.
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  17. Nietzsche and Creative Passion in Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Tereza's Realization of the Dionysian and Apollonian Art-Impulses in The Elemental Passions of the Soul. Poetics of the Elements in the Human Conditions: Part 3. [REVIEW]P. Von Morstein - 1989 - Analecta Husserliana 28:535-557.
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    Seneca Tragicus L. Castagna (ed.): Nove studi sui cori tragici di Seneca . (Biblioteca di Aevum Antiquum, 8.) Pp. viii + 185. Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 1996. Paper, L. 30,000. ISBN: 88-343-1740-8. S. Marcucci: Modelli “tragici” e modelli “epici” nell' Agamemnon di L. A. Seneca . (Biblioteca Universitaria Italiana di Saggi, Ricerche e Studi, 8.) Pp. 108. Milan: Prometheus, 1996. Paper, L. 25,000. [REVIEW]P. J. Davis - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (01):65-.
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    Čérnávskij V. S.. Ob odnom klassé normal′nyh algorifmov Markova. Logičéskié isslédovaniá, Sborník statéj, Izdatél′stvo Akadémii Nauk SSSR, Moskau 1959, S. 263–299.Černjavskií V. S.. On a class of normal Markov algorithms. Englische Übersetzung des Vorhergehenden, Danskin von J. M.. American Mathematical Society Translations, Folge 2, Bd. 48 , S. 1–35. [REVIEW]P. Schreiber - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (4):693.
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    Fabio Ruggiero : Tertulliano, De Corona. Pp. liv+184. Milan: Mondadori, 1992. Paper, L. 12,000.R. P. H. Green - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (1):213-213.
  21.  38
    A three-dimensional Markov field approach for the analysis of atomic clustering in atom probe data.Anna V. Ceguerra, Michael P. Moody, Leigh T. Stephenson, Ross K. W. Marceau & Simon P. Ringer - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (12):1657-1683.
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  22.  23
    Introduction to Mathematical Logic. [REVIEW]P. K. H. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (3):557-557.
    This is a very high quality book with a slightly misleading title. It is difficult to see how it could serve as an introduction for anyone except the mathematically mature or, at least, a student who has already been introduced to formal logic through the lower predicate calculus. Not that these topics are not covered in the book—they comprise the first 92 pages; but the discussion quickly moves into intellectual high gear with sophisticated treatments of the independence of systems of (...)
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  23.  11
    MARKOVIČ, P. (2020): Slovenský literárny klasicizmus a preromantizmus.Nina Kollárová - 2020 - Espes 9 (1):80-81.
    MARKOVIČ, P. : Slovenský literárny klasicizmus a preromantizmus. Prešov : Vydavateľstvo Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove, 144 s. ISBN 978-80-555-2496-2.
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    Agostino nifo's early views on immortality.Edward P. Mahoney - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (4):451.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes and Discussions AGOSTINO NIFO'S EARLY VIEWS ON IMMORTALITY Various historians of Renaissance philosophy have taken some notice of the prolific author and important philosopher of the late 15th and early 16th centuries, Agostino Nifo (1470-1538), x but no one has yet studied his writings in a methodical and exhaustive fashion. 2 He not only published philosophical works in logic, physics, psychology and metaphysics, but he also authored treatises (...)
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    TTOM in action: Refining the variational approach to cognition and culture.Samuel P. L. Veissière, Axel Constant, Maxwell J. D. Ramstead, Karl J. Friston & Laurence J. Kirmayer - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e120.
    The target article “Thinking Through Other Minds” (TTOM) offered an account of the distinctively human capacity to acquire cultural knowledge, norms, and practices. To this end, we leveraged recent ideas from theoretical neurobiology to understand the human mind in social and cultural contexts. Our aim was bothsynthetic– building an integrative model adequate to account for key features of cultural learning and adaptation; andprescriptive– showing how the tools developed to explain brain dynamics can be applied to the emergence of social and (...)
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  26.  68
    Filosofia e Verita. Saggi e Note. By Giuseppe Cristaldi: Milan: Marzorati Editore, 1965. Prospettive Rosminiane. By Giuseppe Cristaldi. [REVIEW]George P. Klubertanz - 1969 - Modern Schoolman 46 (4):372-372.
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    Logik und Logikkalkül. [REVIEW]J. M. P. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):607-608.
    This interesting collection is the Festschrift presented to W. Britzelmayr on his seventieth birthday, and it contains several excellent papers which ought to interest the logician and philosophical analyst alike. The most exciting paper is one by Stegmüller in which a system of set theory combining ideas from Bernays and Quine is formulated; one by Kurt Schütte discusses the limitations imposed by constructive logic on the theory of trans finite arithmetic; there are papers by each of the editors: the first (...)
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    Untersuchungen zur operativen Logik der Gegenwart. [REVIEW]J. M. P. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):598-599.
    This book is an attempt to relate the operative and constructive formulation of symbolic logic carried out by Lorenzen—and to a lesser degree Kolmogorov and Markov—to both Wittgenstein's philosophy of logic as set forth in the Tractatus and later modified in the Investigations, and to Brouwer's critique of classical logic, especially the principles of excluded middle. The first chapter contains an exposition of Wittgenstein's critical analysis of the "mythical" views of Russell and Frege; and it develops his own "operative" theory (...)
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    Cost‐utility analysis of bevacizumab versus ranibizumab in neovascular age‐related macular degeneration using a Markov model.Jignesh J. Patel, Margaret As Mendes, Mark Bounthavong, Melissa Ld Christopher, Daniel Boggie & Anthony P. Morreale - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (2):247-255.
  30. Cultural evolution in Vietnam’s early 20th century: a Bayesian networks analysis of Hanoi Franco-Chinese house designs.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Quang-Khiem Bui, Viet-Phuong La, Thu-Trang Vuong, Manh-Toan Ho, Hong-Kong T. Nguyen, Hong-Ngoc Nguyen, Kien-Cuong P. Nghiem & Manh-Tung Ho - 2019 - Social Sciences and Humanities Open 1 (1):100001.
    The study of cultural evolution has taken on an increasingly interdisciplinary and diverse approach in explicating phenomena of cultural transmission and adoptions. Inspired by this computational movement, this study uses Bayesian networks analysis, combining both the frequentist and the Hamiltonian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach, to investigate the highly representative elements in the cultural evolution of a Vietnamese city’s architecture in the early 20th century. With a focus on the façade design of 68 old houses in Hanoi’s Old Quarter (...)
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    Blaise P ascal, Opere complete, Prima traduzione italiana, a cura di Maria Vita Romeo. Testi francesi e latini a fronte, Milan, Bompiani, « Il Pensiero occidentale », 3133 p.Alberto Frigo - 2022 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 115 (3):439-441.
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    Brian P. Dunkle, S.J., Enchantment and Creed in the Hymns of Ambrose of Milan.Daniel Nodes - 2018 - Augustinian Studies 49 (1):125-131.
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    Parsing Heuristic and Forward Search in First‐Graders' Game‐Play Behavior.Luciano Paz, Andrea P. Goldin, Carlos Diuk & Mariano Sigman - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (5):944-971.
    Seventy-three children between 6 and 7 years of age were presented with a problem having ambiguous subgoal ordering. Performance in this task showed reliable fingerprints: a non-monotonic dependence of performance as a function of the distance between the beginning and the end-states of the problem, very high levels of performance when the first move was correct, and states in which accuracy of the first move was significantly below chance. These features are consistent with a non-Markov planning agent, with an inherently (...)
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    Demuth’s path to randomness.Antonín Kučera, André Nies & Christopher P. Porter - 2015 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 21 (3):270-305.
    Osvald Demuth studied constructive analysis from the viewpoint of the Russian school of constructive mathematics. In the course of his work he introduced various notions of effective null set which, when phrased in classical language, yield a number of major algorithmic randomness notions. In addition, he proved several results connecting constructive analysis and randomness that were rediscovered only much later.In this paper, we trace the path that took Demuth from his constructivist roots to his deep and innovative work on the (...)
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    Systematic validation of disease models for pharmacoeconomic evaluations.Peter P. Sendi, Bruce A. Craig, Dominik Pfluger, Amiram Gafni & Heiner C. Bucher - 1999 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 5 (3):283-295.
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    Memory in Ion Channel Kinetics. [REVIEW]M. P. Silva, C. G. Rodrigues, W. A. Varanda & R. A. Nogueira - 2021 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (4):697-722.
    Ion channels are transport proteins present in the lipid bilayers of biological membranes. They are involved in many physiological processes, such as the generation of nerve impulses, hormonal secretion, and heartbeat. Conformational changes in the ion channel-forming protein allow the opening or closing of pores to control the ionic flux through the cell membranes. The opening and closing of the ion channel have been classically treated as a random kinetic process, known as a Markov process. Here the time the channel (...)
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    Unrecognizability of manifolds.A. V. Chernavsky & V. P. Leksine - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 141 (3):325-335.
    We present a modernized proof, with a modification by M.A. Shtan’ko, of the Markov theorem on the unsolvability of the homeomorphy problem for manifolds. We then discuss a proof of the S.P. Novikov theorem on the unrecognizability of spheres for n≥5, from which we obtain a corollary about unrecognizability of all manifolds of dimension at least five. An analogous argument then proves the unrecognizability of stabilizations of all four-dimensional manifolds. We also give a brief overview of known results concerning algorithmic (...)
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    P. Aguirre de Cárcer, Fernando, Educación y Comunicación en Platón. Una contribución al debate actual en torno a la esceuela de Tubinga-Milán, Barcelona 1996 (PPU, 353 págs.). [REVIEW]Walter O. Kohan - 1998 - Méthexis 11 (1):156-160.
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    P. V. Cova, R. Gazich, G. E. Manzoni, G. Melzani: Aspetti della 'paideia' di Quintiliano. (Scienze filologiche e storia, Brescia, 4.) Pp. 230. Milan: Vita e Pensiero: Pubblicazioni dell'Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 1990. Paper, L. 38,000. [REVIEW]Michael Winterbottom - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (01):197-198.
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    Piero Stefani, Qohelet. Milan, Garzanti , 2014, 248 p.Piero Stefani, Qohelet. Milan, Garzanti , 2014, 248 p.Jean-Jacques Lavoie - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (2):341-343.
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    Review. Basil of Caesarea. P Rousseau\Ambrose of Milan church and court in a Christian capital. NM McLynn.Christopher Kelly - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (1):128-132.
  42. Compte-rendu de J.-P. Schouppe," Elementi di diritto patrimoniale canonico", Milan, Giuffré Editore (Pontificio Ateneo della Santa Croce. Trattati di diritto, n° 4), 1997. [REVIEW]Alphonse Borras - 2000 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 31:569-570.
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    Papyri in Milan Sergio Daris: Papiri Milanesi (P. Med.), i (nos. 1–12). Pp. 43; 14 plates. Milan: Società Editrice Vita e Pensiero, 1967. Paper, L. 1,900. [REVIEW]J. R. Rea - 1969 - The Classical Review 19 (01):94-96.
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    Natural Questions P. Parroni (ed.): Seneca : Ricerche sulla natura. Pp. lxix + 626. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore/Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, 2002. Cased, €27. ISBN: 88-04-49507-. [REVIEW]Harry M. Hine - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (02):545-.
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    The Iamatika of the Milan Posidippus.Bronwen L. Wickkiser - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):623-632.
    The ἰαματικά, a collection of seven short epigrams about healing grouped together and so labelled in the Milan papyrus attributed to Posidippus, present another useful source of information about the cult and cures of Asclepius (AB 95–101;P Mil. Vogl. VIII 309, XIV.30–XV.22). Brief though the epigrams are (all are four lines in length except the first, which is eight lines), they accord well with the picture of the cult presented by material, epigraphic and other literary evidence.
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    Enrico De Pascale, Death and Resurrection in Art. Trans., Anthony Shugaar. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2009. Paper. Pp. 384; color frontispiece and many black-and-white and color figures. $24.95. First published in 2007 under the title Morte e resurrezione by Mondadori Electa, S.p.A., Milan[REVIEW]Elina Gertsman - 2010 - Speculum 85 (3):662-663.
  47.  13
    Sebastian Schütze, dir., Friedrich Nietzsche et les artistes du nouveau Weimar. Milan, 5 Continents éditions s.r.l. ; Ottawa, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, 2019, 119 p. [REVIEW]Yves Laberge - 2021 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 77 (1):168-170.
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    Walther Riese, II concetto di malattia, storia, interpretazioni e natura (Le concept de maladie, histoire, interprétations,et nature), traduit en italien par Giuseppe Ongaro et présenté par Loris Premuda. Milan, Episteme, 1976. 14,5 × 20,5, 159 p. [REVIEW]Vincent-Pierre Comiti - 1979 - Revue de Synthèse 100 (95-96):487-488.
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  49. Ovid's Fasti Publii Ovidii Nasonis Fastorum Libri Sex. The Fasti of Ovid, edited with a translation and commentary By Sir James George Frazer, O.M., F.R.S., F.B.A. Five volumes. Pp. xxix + 357, 512, 421, 353, 212. Eightyeight plates and seven maps and plans in Vol. V. London: Macmillan and Co. 1929. Cloth, £6 6s. P. Ovidii Nasonis Fastorum Libri VI. Recensuit Carolus Landi. Pp. xliii + 236. Turin, Milan, etc.: Paravia. 1928. Paper, 20 lire. [REVIEW]Cyril Bailey - 1930 - The Classical Review 44 (06):235-240.
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    Luisa MURARO, L’ordre symbolique de la mère, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2003, 162 p.Amélie Maugere - 2005 - Clio 21:21-21.
    La pensée de la différence de Luisa Muraro - philosophe italienne, membre de la librairie des femmes de Milan - déjà présentée dans un précédent numéro de CLIO (n° 12) mérite ici d’être redécouverte à travers cette oeuvre singulière qu’est L’ordre symbolique de la mère. Traduit de l’italien, cet ouvrage est original d’un double point de vue. Sa structure, tout d’abord. En effet, aux six chapitres répondent six contre-chants par lesquels l’auteure dévoile ses inspirations, précise ses concepts...
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